PTA launches "Pakistan Mobile App Awards 2015"
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has launched competition “Pakistan Mobile App Awards 2015” in partnership with all mobile operators, Internet Society (ISOC) Asia-Pacific Bureau and Samsung. This initiative has been taken to encourage Pakistani individuals who have developed the most innovative user generated or professionally produced content that engages the mobile user and enhances the traditional mobile content experience.
All submissions are subject to a pre-defined criteria which includes innovation (no re-use or adaptation of already existing applications), ease of use and reach, impact of the application when used by people, businesses, or society, tangible business benefits and ability of the application to drive change, growth and empowerment for people, businesses and society in the Agriculture, Entertainment, Kids, Security, Community and Business domains.
A panel of judges will evaluate and decide the best top three (3) apps. Applications will be received till March 31, 2015. For submission of Application, please visit at