IP Whitelisting & VPN Registration
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IP Whitelisting & VPN Registration
1. Where application for IP Whitelisting and VPN Registration can be registered?
Applications for IP whitelisting and VPN registration can be submitted at online portal IPregistration.pta.gov.pk and there is no need to visit PTA physically.
2. Which features are available in portal for IP Whitelisting and VPN Registration?
Details are as follows:
- VPN registration for Companies
- VPN registration for free lancers having letter of authentication
- IP Whitelisting for Call Centers
- IP Whitelisting for Video Conference for organizations and companies
3. What is the procedure for IP Whitelisting or VPN Registration?
Applicants can submit applications in two stages, as per detail below:
- Applicants need to register as Company or as individual
- Registered applicants can submit application for IP Whitelisting or VPN registration, by clicking at “Submit Application”
4. Which type of documents would be required?
PTA has reduced documentation for VPN registration and IP Whitelisting and following documents would be required:
- VPN for Companies
- CNIC of applicant (Both sides),
- Letter of Incorporation or proof of Active tax payer
- VPN for free lancers
- CNIC of applicant (Both sides)
- Letter of Authentication from employer / business concern
- Call Centers
- CNIC of applicant (Both sides)
- Letter of Incorporation or proof of Active tax payer
- Call Center registration Certificate from PSEB
- Fee in case of five or more IP addresses (including previously whitelisted IP addresses)
- Video Conferencing
- CNIC of applicant (Both sides)
- Letter of Incorporation / letter from Government organizations / companies
- Fee in case of five or more IP addresses (including previously whitelisted IP addresses)
Note: All applicants need to upload documents in the relevant field
5. Is there any need to submit different applications for different IP addresses?
No, multiple IP addresses can be submitted in single application and there is no need to submit additional applications for multiple IP addresses, however, in case of different service providers, there is need to submit different application for different operators.
6. Can individuals need to register?
Individual free lancers having static IP address and letter of authentication from employer / business concern need to register.
7. Is there any need to register employees working from home?
Registered VPN servers can serve employees working from home and there is no need to register each VPN client.
8. Whether static IP would be required for VPN registration or IP Whitelisting or not ?
Yes, there is requirement of static IP address, either in Pakistan or abroad.
9. Is there any fee for VPN registration or IP Whitelisting?
There is no fee for VPN registration, however, fee for IP whitelisting is applicable for IP addresses five or more (including previously whitelisted IP addresses).
10. Whether Voice over VPN is allowed or not?
Voice is generally not encrypted due to encryption overhead. If required, applicants need to process through their service providers by providing valid justification and network diagram. Decision will be made on case to case basis, after evaluation of application.
11. Is there any need to register server deployed abroad, having users in Pakistan?
Yes, any legitimate foreign server accessed from Pakistan need to be registered.
12. What is the processing time?
PTA will process soon after the verification of credentials from respective operator.
13. What applicant has to do after receiving “Provisionally Approved” email from PTA?
After receiving “Provisionally approved” email from PTA, applicant can start it’s work and need to send original pay order / bank draft to PTA, (where fee is applicable). Status in the application portal will automatically updated after confirmation of payments, however, in case of delay in sending original pay order / bank draft, provisionally whitelisted IP address can be delisted.
14. What does Customer ID and billing phone number means?
Customer ID is the unique identity issued by the service provider and appearing in monthly bills / invoices, whereas Phone Number field requires land line phone number, on which bills are being issued.
In case of any further clarification, please contact your service providers or contact PTA helpline 0800-55055 (From 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM) seven days a week. In case no response is received from operator send queries to IPreport@pta.gov.pk.