Internet Website unblocked: PTA
Internet Website has been unblocked and internet subscribers now can have access to the said website.
In a directive to the country's ISPs, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has allowed the unblocking of the website after the administrators of YouTube had taken off from their website highly offensive blasphemous footage.
Earlier on Friday last, pursuant to a decision by an inter-ministerial committee meeting held at the Ministry of IT & Telecom in Islamabad, PTA had directed all the ISPs to block YouTube, a video sharing website that was found to be running highly provocative and blasphemous anti Islamic contents.
Arousing deep anguish and distress across the Muslim world, PTA believed that had not this highly profane and sacrilegious footage been banned, it had the potential to cause more unrest and possible loss of life and property across the country.
Nabiha Mahmood
Deputy Director (PR)