Commercial Launch of “Automation of Pre-sale Procedure” 3rd April, 2012
Islamabad, April 4: Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) and all Cellular Mobile Operators of the country, on Tuesday, commercially launched an automated procedure for Sale of Mobile SIMs. According to the details, the framework for the new system, was jointly signed on 19thJanuary 2012 and has been implemented as per agreed deadlines. As per the new system, the subscribers’ documentation will be maintained electronically and Pre-Sale would be automated thereby linking it with already automated Post-Sale procedure called 789.
As per the new procedure, only original CNIC will be required to be presented at any registered Sale Point to buy a new SIM along-with Terms & Conditions document in the SIM jacket. The sale personnel shall send the CNIC of the customer to a short code to authenticate sale. Hence only SIMs sold through registered sales channels would be activated after calling 789, responding to asked questions, agreement to the Terms & Conditions and declaration that the SIM will not be misused.
The new system shall not only help to eliminate the misuse of CNIC’s copy but also facilitate in keeping authentic record of SIMs sale thereby enabling track of sale channels in case of any misuse. Moreover, transition of existing Cellular Subscriber Agreement Form (CSAF) to e-CSAF will help to maintain an authentic subscribers’ database.
Chairman PTA Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, visited Call Centers of different mobile companies for inaugurating the commercial launch of the project and was briefed about the arrangements made in this regard. It was informed by mobile companies that under the new procedure all authorized franchisees and retailers have been given a unique identification and only authorized sellers shall be allowed to sale the SIM. The sale has been automated to track which SIM has been sold by which particular sale channel to ensure accountability. It was also informed that since its commercial launch on 1st April 2012 about forty thousand verification requests have been rejected due to new security checks in the system.
The Chairman congratulated all stake-holders on reaching this milestone and hoped that the new system will further strengthen the processes of SIM verification. He also thanked the mobile companies for extending cooperation in successful implementation of existing SIM verification processes and hoped that the same spirit of mutual cooperation may prevail in future as well.
(Muhammad Younis)
Director (PR)